Triangle Accordion Book Tutorial

I’m not a real book artist but have fun creating them from time to time. I also don’t use the proper terminology in explanations.  LT in the UK inquired about some of the accordion book processes and I thought it was a great time to re-explore a past book design. Not every step is fully explained. You’ll have to do some figuring on your own…

Two years ago, I learned how to create a Triangle book. Measurements are all in inches.  Below is the list of materials and cut dimensions one needs to start this book:

Triangle Accordion Book Supply List:

Book binding board, cover paper, inner cover paper, interior paper (nice drawing paper in a 22″x 30″ sheet), x-acto blades, glue (PVA with Methyl cellulose preferred), pencil, metal ruler, awl, paint brush for glue, waxed paper to prevent glue leaks, heavy stack of books or a book press, self healing cutting mat.

Boards: Height= 4.5″, Width=5.25″ ( two boards needed)

Cover Paper: Height= 6″,  Width= 6.75″ (two needed)

Inner Cover Triangle: Height= 4 3/8″ , Width= 5″ (two needed) *OPTIONAL*

Interior Paper for “pages”: This one involves 3 strips of paper total; first 2 strip dimension: Height= 4 3/8″, Width= approx. 20″. Third strip length approx. 15″. In my images I only used 2 strips.

To start:

Figure out the “grain” of your paper & boards and mark. You want to keep the grain running in the same direction (top down) during assembly or parts will warp. In the below demo I over emphasized my marks. You should use a pencil and keep it light and easy to erase. The orange paper is strictly for demo purpose!

Measure out 5.25″ width & 4.5″ height of your board & cut. Then find half of the width (2 5/8″) and mark at the top of the board. Cut from that mark down to a corner creating the side of an equilateral triangle (all sides have the same length of 5.25″) Proceed with the next side. See the below demo to help sort things out.

Cut out boards, cover paper & inner triangles.   Cover paper (H=6″, W=6.75″) and Inner Triangle paper ( 4 3/8″ x 5″)

Cut interior pages from a heavier weight drawing paper. I used Somerset Satin and only cut two strips rather than three. BFK Rives or Arches are also good choices.



Finished Book Images!

Thanks for taking a look!

Published by paperstew

I'm an artist in Albany Oregon focusing on paper and natural objects for inspiration.

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