Philomath Open Studio Tour 2023!

It’s coming! Less than 10 days away to the start of the 19th season for Philomath Open Studio Tour! I’ve been fortunate to be part of now 5 tours to date. This year has 11 studios open with a total of 26+ artists participating. Please come visit me at Studio #8 with the beautiful jewelerContinue reading “Philomath Open Studio Tour 2023!”

Finally turning off the heat

We are finally shifting into warm weather. In fact, it should be a weekend for the low 90’s (over 32 C). The only plus side is that wet wool dries faster in heat. I’m dipping my toes into uncharted territory of wet felting feathers for chicken sculptures. The first one is Miss Lavender who isContinue reading “Finally turning off the heat”

Woodland Skipper Progress

Measuring in at about 1 – 1.25 inches (25-32mm), the woodland skipper is certainly a small butterfly. During the summer months, theses cuties love to feed on multiple food sources in the yard. Below are two images as it progresses from ink drawing into watercolor. This will eventually become part of a book for myContinue reading “Woodland Skipper Progress”

Finishing a page and on to the next

I’ve finally completed one out of 5 pages! This probably makes absolutely no sense to anyone except for the 4 other participating artists. Lets step back a bit. In 2015, I joined an existing small group of artists to create special , one of a kind artist books. In 2018 we added another member forContinue reading “Finishing a page and on to the next”

Small Adventures and Happy Encounters

I just have to start with this cutie. We were returning home from a walk and across the main road, near a couple Suffolk sheep, was the piebald leucistic doe. She’s a yearling and still hanging out with mom. Not a common thing to run across, but recessive color mutations happen. She is not albino,Continue reading “Small Adventures and Happy Encounters”

Next week will be better

After inventory, and more inventory, and a bit more inventory, I think everything has been dropped off/ emailed to the tax accountant. One giant thing is off my shoulders until next year and I really hope to keep better track of everything from here forward. Of course, I recall saying that last year too. It’sContinue reading “Next week will be better”

Figuring out the year to come

Happy March to you all! Plus a Happy Anniversary to the blog. They say I’ve been going for 14 years?! How can that be? Sooooo….. I’ve been letting the blog languish for far too long. Life keeps moving along and I never seem to make time in my schedule to sit an write. Yes, IContinue reading “Figuring out the year to come”

And it’s a wrap!

Wow, it’s been an incredible ride to the finish for the Philomath Open Studio Tour. The giant push to create and package new things to unearthing all sorts of hidden older gems to find homes as product leaves the tables. Plus coming down with the flu in between weekends. Talk about screwing up the productionContinue reading “And it’s a wrap!”

One Week Remaining

Whew! Only one week (actually less) to go until the start of Philomath Open Studio Tour. Next Thursday, Linda and I will be setting up our booths inside Compton Family Winery and hosting a group tour for the participating artists. This will be our test run for everything, including sales. We will be located insideContinue reading “One Week Remaining”

Put a Chicken on it!

I skipped last Friday’s blog posting. Life has been pretty overwhelming and new items were not coming together. However, this week has been full of activity: Sunday set-up of the window at Footwise. Orders are almost here! More orders have been placed and (fingers crossed) will arrive before the event! Hurrah! A new drawing startedContinue reading “Put a Chicken on it!”