On a different slant

Oregon just opened up vaccination for more people! WooHoo! I lucked out by checking with one of the local county health departments Tuesday afternoon and was placed into the queue for the following day! They processed 2900 shots that day! Yes, I had a sore arm and was completely wiped out for 36 hours, but today I feel back to normal. First one down, second one scheduled for mid April.

Wool work has slowed down this past week. I did have a wonderful order for 12 Easter eggs in natural colors. They went off to California and are already getting love. The eggs are about 3.5″ long and 2.5″ wide.

Oh, there were a couple of Owls created for friends. This was the small one that measured 5″ long.

Happy Ewes and Lambs!
This ewe had triplets, but one went off to be bottle-fed at another home. The lambs were 2 days old when we visited.

On the first day of Spring we visited our favorite farm near Philomath, OR. This is where I get my wool. Carol and Harry are amazing people and we helped celebrate Carol’s birthday. Plus there were lots of lambs. On a different day I visited my friend Heather’s farm (about 4 miles from home). No lambs there, but she has a flock of 6 Jacob sheep and a llama named Mo. Maybe someday a sheep or two will follow me home….

A new something has started on the design board. This project, which could potentially have multiple components, uses a new technique I’ve been wanting to learn for years: soldering! I’m currently limping along with YouTube videos as a teaching source but have a built-in teacher onsite! Yes, my husband is an excellent solder worker. He has a background in electrical and mechanical engineering, plus countless hours of building and refurbishing/fixing boards and other electronics for his profession. Now I can finally tap into his knowledge for an art project. Right now I’m just learning how best to approach what I want and not even trying to create the actual work. The final goal is to have several works accepted into an upcoming show focusing on Climate Change and “What Will Nature Do?” through our local arts center. I’ll try to keep some sort of weekly postings as things progress.

Anyway, I think that’s it for now. I hope everyone is doing well as we move into Spring or Fall depending on your hemisphere. Thanks for checking in!

Published by paperstew

I'm an artist in Albany Oregon focusing on paper and natural objects for inspiration.

4 thoughts on “On a different slant

  1. Great news about the vaccination. Husb had his this morning and now he’s lying on the settee, poorly and feeling very sorry for himself. Personally, I think it’s because he ate far too many chocolates last night 😀

    1. I hope M is feeling better today. Nothing like a strange shot to put a body off kilter!
      Were the chocolates really tasty? Now I’m craving some!😂

      1. Yes he’s fine thanks. Way too much chocolate – he gets chocolate hangovers 😀 They were a particularly lovely box of Belgian chocolate truffles I got him for being a brave little soldier but he scoffed the lot in one go!

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